The American Rose Society: This is the official site of the American Rose Society. They feature such things as the newest roses, a comprehensive FAQ, and can get you in touch with a professional rosarian.
Timeless Roses: The owner of this site was kind enough to allow me the use of the pictures on my site. There is a wealth of information on this site (including caring for roses), it is searchable, and very easy to use.
Roses by Jack E. Christensen: This is the site of a rose hybridizer who has bred several All-America Rose Selections Winners. He was also very generous about allowing me the use of his rose photos, which can be found on the "Variety" page. Check this site out for interesting information.
Yesterday's Roses: This site features information on old roses, the ancestor's to the Hybrid Teas, and other poplular roses of today. Lots of pictures and good information on the care needed by these roses.
Edmunds Roses: Do you want to purchase roses online? This site sells roses, and as such, you won't find much on the aspects of growing roses. But, then again, you probably expected that!
The Rose Resource: Here is a site that gives design tips on how to present your roses, both in a vase and in your garden, has gardening tips, and also provides a search capability to find a public rose garden near you (among other things).